Education after the pandemic: 5 things a 21st-century educator must do

21st-century education does not only mean 21st-century technology What social features must not be forgotten? Check them out here 👇

21st-century education does not only mean 21st-century technology. What social features must not be forgotten? Check them out here 👇

1. Develop Self-Awareness

Questions such as: What are the 3 characteristics that define me? Or What are my dreams in the long term? Or What are the next steps for me in the following year? – work best when learning about themselves, so later they trace objectives, feel confident, communicate better, and make smarter decisions.

2. Develop Social Awareness

The next step is to be aware of the context – include documentaries to show different realities of other students, including objects from other cultures in your lesson. Instead of making them additions with apples, why not do it with “pomegranates” and set up a lesson to talk about the levels of growth and economic benefit of this fruit on the East-Side of the world?

3. Know the current and upcoming world challenges: The SDGs

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations back in 2015 are meant to be achieved by 2030 and have been designed to face the upcoming world-urgent problems: gender inequalities, unreached innovation and infrastructure, poverty, hunger, and peace, among others. Enter the UN webpage to get free access to Students’ Resources: Student Resources – United Nations Sustainable Development 

4. Specialize and lead

You can specialize in being an SDE – Sustainable Development Educator which links work between project development and problem-solving tasks with your students. Other areas of expertise are: Instructional Design, Innovation, and Leadership or Design Thinking. Apply the learnings to your organization and be the leader in that area.

5. Be bilingual

The management of languages does not apply to students and them learning a second language. Keeping updated with new content to share and put into practice is your responsibility, and sharing is learning.  You talk and exchange material with your colleagues, now imagine getting the chance to learn from teachers from other parts of the world. The first step to that is to speak a second language.

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Have your class learn, connect and meet with other classes of the world while developing 21st-century skills linked to world-related urgent topics