First Steps to Getting Started with

Embark on your journey with, the ultimate global classroom collaboration platform. Learn how to complete your profile, make your first connection, create engaging projects, and invite students to join in the transformative learning experience.

Welcome to, where learning knows no borders! If you’re new to our community, this article is your roadmap to a successful start. Let’s dive into the first steps to getting started on, the premier global classroom collaboration platform.

Complete Your Profile

Starting your journey on begins with creating a comprehensive profile that represents you in our global teaching community. This crucial step is not only about introducing yourself but also enabling the platform to serve you better. To get started, click on the Settings under your profile picture on the Home screen. Here, you can enter detailed information about yourself, your teaching background, the subjects you teach, the age groups of your students, and your interests.

As you complete your profile, remember to select your preferred level in our 4-level learning journey and outline your specific interests, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) you are passionate about. A complete and detailed profile is vital because it triggers our recommendation system. This sophisticated system automatically suggests other teachers that align closely with your profile description and educational interests. By providing more information, you enhance the algorithm’s ability to find the best matches for you, making your connections on the platform more relevant and impactful.

Make Your First Connection

Now that your profile is complete, it’s time to connect with other educators on Our platform is designed to bring together teachers from all over the world, making it easier than ever to start international classroom collaborations. Go to the Connect section. Here, you can use simple filters to search for other teachers based on their country, age of their students, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they focus on, or even the specific type of collaboration they are interested in, according to our 4-level learning journey.

This feature allows you to tailor your search to find educators who are not only interested in similar subjects but also those who are at the same stage of the learning journey as you. Whether you’re looking to get to know other cultures, work on SDGs, solve real problems, or present solutions, these filters make it easy to find the right connections. This streamlined approach opens up more precise and meaningful collaboration opportunities that align with your educational goals.

Create a Project

Once you’ve made some connections, it’s time to put your ideas into action by creating a project on Our platform is a hub for innovative and engaging educational projects that span across international borders. To start, navigate to the Create Project button found in the Collaborate section. This is where you can lay out your project details, such as the project name, a brief description, and the type of collaboration it involves—choosing from the 4-level learning journey that matches your goals.

Creating a project is your chance to shape how you and your students will engage with other classrooms around the world. Whether it’s a cultural exchange, a focus on sustainability, or a complex problem-solving initiative, your project can bring diverse perspectives together for enriching learning experiences. The platform’s tools allow you to set up everything needed to get your project off the ground, including resources and adding participants.

Invite Students

After your project is ready, the next step is to invite your students to join and participate. Engaging your students in these projects is crucial for their development and global learning experience. In the My Students section, you can invite students using three methods: directly via email, through a unique invitation link, or by sharing a QR code that students can scan to join immediately.

Inviting students is straightforward. Once added, they can start contributing to the project, interacting with peers from different cultures, and gaining invaluable insights from international collaboration.

Support Is Just a Click Away

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. If you ever need assistance or have questions, our support team is here to help. Just click on the ‘Help’ button, and we’ll be there to guide you.

Your Global Classroom Awaits

You are now set to make the most of By completing your profile, making connections, creating projects, and inviting students, you’re well on your way to a rich and transformative educational experience. Remember, each step you take on this platform brings you closer to a more connected and globally aware classroom. We are excited to see the projects you’ll start and the connections you’ll make, contributing to a more understanding and collaborative world.

Begin Your Journey on

Ready to transform your teaching and open up a world of possibilities for your students? Sign up to, complete your profile, and start connecting with teachers globally. Create projects that inspire and invite students to join you in this exciting journey. 

Let’s build a future where education transcends boundaries and fosters global citizenship and collaboration.