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From Classroom to World Stage: Presenting Student Projects

Learn how to guide your students in pitching their projects, showcasing their creativity, and inspiring others to take action. Unlock the power of global collaboration and help your students develop essential life skills for success.

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to effectively present ideas and solutions is a critical skill for students to master. By showcasing their work and raising awareness about important issues, students not only reinforce the knowledge and skills they’ve developed but also cultivate essential life skills such as communication, collaboration, and leadership. 

In this article, we’ll explore how’s Level 4 learning journey, “Present My Solution,” equips teachers and students with the tools and guidance needed to pitch their projects effectively and make a lasting impact.

What is a Pitch

A pitch is a concise presentation of an idea, project, or product, designed to capture the interest and support of an audience. Originating from the business world, where entrepreneurs pitch their startups to investors, the concept of a pitch has transcended its roots to become a vital skill in various domains, including education.

Pitching allows students to take ownership of their learning by presenting and defending their projects, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills., a platform dedicated to fostering global citizenship education through collaborative online international learning (COIL), recognizes the importance of empowering students to present their solutions and inspire change. The platform’s Level 4 learning journey, “Present My Solution,” equips teachers and students with the tools and guidance needed to pitch their projects effectively and make a lasting impact.

The 4-Level Learning Journey offers a unique four-level learning journey designed to inspire students to connect, collaborate, create, and contribute alongside classrooms across the globe. Let’s take a closer look at each level:

  • Level 1: Get to Know Each Other – This level focuses on exploring and understanding the cultural diversity of the participants, and building strong relationships with peers from other countries.
  • Level 2: Working Towards the SDGs – In this level, students actively participate in projects that contribute to a more sustainable future by working on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Level 3: Create Solutions to Real Problems – Here, students develop their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills by using Design Thinking to tackle real-life challenges.
  • Level 4: Present My Solution – The final level is all about showcasing students’ projects to acknowledge their hard work and inspire others to positively change the world.

Each level builds upon the previous one, guiding students through a transformative process of cultural exchange, problem identification, solution creation, and ultimately, presentation. Level 4, in particular, focuses on empowering students to effectively communicate their ideas and inspire change.

Level 4 – Present my solution

Level 4 of the learning journey is dedicated to developing students’ presentation skills and showcasing their solutions to real-world problems. This level is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Acknowledging students’ hard work: By presenting their projects, students gain recognition for their efforts and feel a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Inspiring others to make a positive change: When students share their solutions, they encourage others to take action and make a difference in their communities and beyond.
  3. Developing essential life skills: Presenting projects helps students refine their communication, public speaking, and persuasion skills, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.

How Provides Tools to Pitch Your Ideas 

Now that we understand the importance of Level 4, let’s explore how supports teachers and students in preparing for their project presentations. The platform provides a wealth of resources and tools to guide users through the process:

  1. Define Your Audience: The first step is to identify who will benefit from hearing the presentation. This could be the school community, external classes, local authorities, or even a global audience. Understanding the target audience helps students tailor their message and ensure its relevance.
  2. Design Your Presentation: recommends using user-friendly tools like Canva, Genially, or Slidego to create engaging visual aids. These tools allow students to effectively communicate their project’s key points and solutions through attractive designs and interactive elements.
  3. Coordinate Date and Time: To ensure a smooth presentation, it’s essential to schedule the event in advance and confirm that all participants, including collaboration partners, are aware and prepared. provides a platform for easy communication and coordination between teachers and students.
  4. Leverage Resources: The “Presenting My Solution to the World” learning activity is a valuable resource that offers step-by-step guidance on crafting a compelling pitch. This activity walks students through the process of structuring their presentation, engaging their audience, and delivering their message with impact.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources available on, teachers can empower their students to create powerful Level 4 project presentations that showcase their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

How to Create a Level 4 Project on the Platform

Creating a Level 4 project on is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Log in to your account and go to the “Collaborate” section of the platform.

From here, click on “Create a new project” to display a small form, where the platform will ask you for details of the project you want to create, such as the project Topic or name, the type of collaboration, and the project description.

It is important that you check “Level 4: Presenting my solution to the world” and select the SDG you want to work on.

Once you have completed in the information, a project ‘Completion Checklist’ will be created. This checklist will guide you on what you need to do to complete your project.

Once you have completed all the checks on your “Completion Checklist”, you can unlock the “Certificates” tab so that you can upload your evidence, submit your project for approval, and finally receive your certificates.

Level 4 Certification: 

Level 4 of the learning journey is a powerful opportunity for students to develop essential life skills, inspire change, and make a tangible impact on the world. To obtain the certification, you need to provide

  • Evidence that both classes have developed a level 3 project to solve the same problem, but from their local perspective (C2C worksheets, Presentation explaining the problem and its solution, etc.). 
  • Photos showing how each class is working to solve the problem (may include images of their prototypes, awareness-raising activities, etc.). 
  • Photos of students presenting their solution outside their classrooms (headmasters, local authorities, other grades inside their school, etc).

This certification not only celebrates your students’ accomplishments but also serves as a tangible reminder of the skills they have developed and the impact they have made.To find out what is required to achieve each level, click here.

Are you ready to empower your students to become confident presenters and inspire change on a global scale? Sign up for today and embark on the Level 4 journey with your students.